Friday 30 August 2013

to impulsive ideas

So, I'm sitting here thinking of how to start and thought "Let's just not think anymore."

Today and in fact yesterday was a rather eventful day, if I were compare it with my everyday routine that is.

YESTERDAY : I woke up and headed to Conflict's tutorial, which ended real nice and quick. My lecturer left and so I attacked the lonely computer. But before everyone left a classmate of mine called out to me asking if I went to the replacement class for Land. I gasp and exclaimed "GOT MEH?! I thought not confirmed". She then replied "Yeah, memang pun tak". Being rather horrid in Bahasa Malaysia, I got confused for a moment then it hit me. SHE WAS JOKING. I don't know how she felt but that small prank made me smile widely to myself as it replayed in my mind.

After that, I had another class at two pm by the same lecturer only this time because of the lack of students attending the tutorial he decided to end it early as well. But before that, he was making a phone call. While trying to communicate to the other person he said my name then handed the handphone over to me, saying to talk to the person on the line. Oh God. My lecturer demands more of me than normal, dah la my bahasa teruk. But I somehow managed and got the person on the line to understand my lecturer's request.

TODAY: Getting lost leads you to certain good places, as me and my friend discovered after printing our assignment. She just drove the car and got distracted with all the dog love that when we saw a playground we just stop and went down. Coincidently, the playground had two swings and we both just started swinging away. While doing that we talked about random things, like our own childhood playgrounds, houses with low fences, religion, science and the norms. 

About the assignment, I had been struggling with it for somedays and today was the due date. I miraculously completed 7 pages of work and when we sent in the work, my lecturer poked holes in it. I felt so frustrated, I just had to release and celebrate after the few previous maddening days of torturing my brain. So I kept bugging my friend to go karaoke with me but when we reached there the only rooms available costs about RM25 and as I looked at my friend for her opinion she said, "That's a steak". I laughed and we both left disappointed. Still feeling hungry for some fun, we headed for a bowling centre nearby. There we discovered cheap bowling and I had a spare, my friend on the other hand had a strike.

Feeling excited I convinced her to go look at the secluded planetarium that she's been wondering about. It was well kept but you get the feeling of being cut out from the world cause the place looks old and secretive due to the fact that there was no one there at all. It was a big property and exploring it was a treat for any curious soul. We however did not go for the activities provided because we came at near closing time. All in all, today was partly nice. I shouldn't complain.

my sister just asked me whether I'm going to sleep and yeah I should. Need my beauty sleep. Goodnight!

note: i was bowling in my baju kurung. hahaha!

Saturday 24 August 2013

fasting again

it is already almost the ending of august and I have just gotten the motivation to write the first post of the month. funny how after reading a relative's blog I felt a bit stung by her words. Do forgive me if I've caused some pain by what I convey here. There is no excuse to hurting someone even if we are strangers. 

And so, my hari raya this year turned out rather well. I was afraid of arriving at my grandmother's house earlier than everyone else but it was not bad at all. Spent the days in a way relaxing since part of the afternoon and evening was just me reading and sleeping. But after a while I got tired of being helpful so I just ran away from the kitchen. Also this year, I prayed at the mosque there which I never did before. it was surprisingly not full. Coming from the city the mosques are always full and overflowing. 

Besides that, I enjoyed celebrating yet again another festive season with all my family and relatives. Insyallah, the next one will be just as good or even better. After coming back to uni, I still felt like I was fasting and so I just ate less than before. Thinking of losing more weight if possible and I am now fasting again to fulfil the six days of fasting in Syawal. If today ends well I'll be left with three more days. HAR HAR HAR! 

Additionally I'm in the middle of a really complicated and tough assignment because rather than 5 people this assignment consist only of me and my friend, Nadwa. I'm getting headache and stomach pain from the stress. And I rarely get headaches. But what must be done must be done. So I hope I do it good and well. Other than that, mid term results are out and they are not pretty. Can only blame myself, I'm rather surprised that I manage to get close to ten for Land Law 1 but that is still a fail so I shouldn't go celebrating or something.

Oh, I also recently found a tennis ball in a dried drain, it was like an adventure when I had to go in and retrieve it. But now that little tennis ball is now my new darling. Helps me stretch out and move. Always did wonder what could I do to workout a bit in this small apartment. God works in wondrous ways. I'm eating pasta tonight when I break my fast. I should probably go cook the sausages now. Goodbye and good day!

note: feels empty if i don't put this.