Sunday 24 March 2013

yearning for excitement

hellooooo! hello there!

lots has happened since my last post, I celebrated my friend's birthday at Seoul Garden (this Korean buffet restaurant). I must admit I did indeed forgot her birthday and thus had not prepared any gift. But not to worry I bought her some expensive ice creams as her present. *granted it was so expensive she paid half of it, cause well she really wanted it. 

Next, I, for the first time in my life sang to karaoke until my voice sounded hoarse. It was kind of awesome to have used and stretched my voice to a point where it could no longer be the same but this was very-very short term. after dinner my voice became normal again. Most people ask me what songs I sang, here are a few. White flag by Dido, Rolling in the deep by Adele, Superman by Five for Fighting, Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin, James Morrison and Nelly Furtado's "Broken Strings" as well as "A hero of War" by Rise Against.

And.......I attended an event that was all the way in Cyberjaya. The uni that it was at was so amazing! the buildings! the design! the majestic feeling! I got jealous of it for a moment then realized how tiring schooling in such a place would be. Still that is not my goal in going there, the event itself was pretty good. I just signed up cause I was rather bored and all the travelling was real adventuress. Sad to say, some did not enjoy it as much but oh well. 

Lastly, I've so far have attended all except one class among all my lectures and tutorials. Am getting sleepy so I should end this quick and painless. YEAH! I said I did lots of things but now that it's out here it looks not that much. what to do, life hasn't really given me a tornado. but I trust soon will be the time I panic, for assignments would come sailing in along with their good friend the mid terms. Conclusion, I should gear up and prep. Night.

note: met and talked with some nice girls in the event but i find myself to be really not interested when someone complains to me. hai...


  1. I hate it when ppl complain to me and hence i've toned my complaints down as well. I'm such a hypocrite no?

  2. we are all hypocrite whether we realize it or not. its the sad truth.
